Sunday 5 April 2015

Variety is the spice of life.

Well I`ve done it. I`ve finally taken the plunge and started a blog.. I`m a crafter who likes trying lots of different kinds of crafts and likes trying a variety of techniques so I have enclosed a few examples.

This is a section from an applique cushion cover I made. I used some patterned fabric which I further embellished.

I love animals and the countryside and decorated this ceramic clock, which was later fired.

   This second clock was painted on glass and the clock mechanism added afterwards.

This was a design I painted on a t-shirt. When I was a student, finances were tight so one Christmas I 
painted 17 t-shirts as Christmas presents for people.

I love wood - the texture, colour and shapes. This was a design I burned into the wood with a pyrography tool and then painted.

I made this owl notebook cover using tapestry wool and canvas. 

It`s lovely to preserve memories and not just keep pictures on a memory stick. I think I`ll remember what happened but often I get things muddled so I created this scrapbook, which reminds me of the wonderful time I spent in Africa.

I love making cards and Party Paws from Crafters Companion is great to work with and can be used on a variety of cards.

Sometimes it is good to have a generic card that can be used for a variety of occasions.

This was a card I designed using one of the many excellent digikits from daisytrail.

I am teaching myself digital drawing and this is a simple design I made of a lady. Her dress was cut from one of the materials I had scanned into the computer.This is something I want to develop  more.