Saturday 28 October 2017

Rare Earth Motivational Stamps

The new Rare Earth Motivational stamps have inspiring sentiments and can be used in soooo many ways. I have used them on cards and a bag but they could be used for scrapbooks, mixed media pictures, tags and could be stamped onto fabric. So many possibilities. I like the way the designs incorporate pictures. Although the stamps are quite big they stamp clearly and easily.
I used the Tattered Lace  Trifold dies to create this card. I used Pitch Black rare Earth ink to stamp onto a sky background paper. I stamped some trees onto white to create a small scene in the left hand corner. Stars were suspended on fishing line to hang in the left hand corner and a border of stars was added to the right side of the card. I thinks it would make a good leaving card or encourage somebody who wants to move forward in some way.

The design was stamped onto a background made with distress and oxide inks. The left-over paper was used to make the flower so it matched the card. The flowery paper is from one of the Tattered Lace magazines. I can think of a few people I could send a card like this to.

If you have been reading my blog you know I love bags. I think it is lovely to personalise them for the recipient. I makes the gift more meaningful.
I stamped onto craft card and blended the edges with distress inks. The stars are gems on wood on cork. I used washi tape to decorate the handles of the bag. I love washi tape. It has so many uses.

I went a bit crazy on this card. I just wanted it to be bright and cheerful. I used inks to create the background. It was stamped with pitch black ink. The sun stamps is from Tatty Twinkles and the foliage is from a Tattered Lace die. The butterflies are cut from foil.

I stamped onto one of the Tattered Lace stitched lace tags and put it in a pocket . I attached string and a wooden flower to give it more interest. The same kind of string was attached to the tag.

I love the Tattered Lace Trifold dies so so much. I think they make really special cards. I used some of the dies from the set to create the borders and corners.  I added some bunting from the Tattered Lace Stage card set. Adding a contrasting colour to different sides of the car adds more interest.

I used one of the Rare Earth flower stamps to stamp the message on. I think it enhances the message of the stamp. The guitars, shooting stars and the words were all from My Craft Studio. I used the oval shutter dies from Tattered Lace to create the shape.

I used the stitched lace tag dies by Tattered Lace to make this tag card. The tags can be mat and layered onto each other. I hung some wool, wooden flowers and lace from the top right hand corner. I stamped onto water-colour card that I distressed with inks. I like the message. It encourages you to keep going even when the situation you are in may be tough.