Sunday 21 January 2018

Tattered Lace Deep Dish Bunny

I have been trying out the deep dish bunny dies and found they are very versatile. I started out by making basic rabbits and added pop poms as paws.
I then decided I wanted rabbits with more character... Again I used pom poms for their paws.
I used felt circles for their cheeks and ovals for their eyes and gave them a few whiskers.

I added a pink bow to the tail. I made the legs so they can move by just threading the cotton through the limbs and the body in the same place several times.
I then tried making it as a mouse, using two circles for ears.

I used a piece of faux leather for the tail.

Here are the three different characters I have made so far. I am sure there are more possibilities.  A dog might be next. However at the moment I want to make more bunnies ready for Easter.

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