Sunday 29 January 2017

Tiny Tubs challenge part 2

I have been having fun with the Tiny Tubs dies by Tattered Lace to see what animals I could make with them. There are lots of possibilities and it is possible to create an entire zoo full of animals!!
Here are another herd of animals I have come up with. I have given a list of dies I have used for each
Body 16
Feet 29
Tail 39
Head 7
Front paws 22
Snout 51 (I cut it to make it look tufted)
Ears 17

Body 16
Head 7
Tummy 8
Snout 15
Nose 13
Outer ears 41
Inner ears 42
Arms 31 and 44
Paws 22
Feet 20
Tail 32
Tail end 10

Body 27
Eye shadows 34
Claws 30 and 48
Legs -section of 48
Mouth 58
The teeth and eyebrows were drawn on

Body 16
head 14
Snout 40
Nostrils 17
Ears 68 (cut in half)
Front legs 31
Inner ears 58
Tail 32
End of tail 10

Body 16
Neck 58
Head 8
Tail 12
Crest on head 12
Beak 25
Wing 53
Legs 5

Body 16
Crest 57
Head 8
Wings 53 and 55
Foot 5
Bead 58 (x2)

Body 16
Head 16
Beard 50
Muzzle 15
Outer ear 52
Inner ear 17
Horns 18
Tail 53
Legs 11
Hooves 22

Body 16
Head 27
Tummy 51
Cheeks 31 & 44
Nose 2
Paws 22
Outer ears 52
Inner ears 17

Body 16
Head 8
Mane 55
Outer ears 3 &25
Inner ears 4 &26
Nose 10
Mouth 10
Legs 31 &44
Paws 22
Tail 32

Body 16
Feet 31 & 44
Tummy 51
Pouch 56
Paws 22
Head 51
Nose 2
Ears 17
Mouth 10

Body 16
Head 8
Snout 39
Nose 41
Eye shadows 17
Tummy 50
Arms 41 &31
Paws 33
Front paws 22
Mouth 10
Ears 17
Crest 50

Body 16
Head 16
Face 14
Ears 17
Tummy 50
Feet 20
Arms - section of 48
Tail -section of 48
Nose 17

Body 16
Head 7
Tummy 15
Beak 13
Wings 53 & 55
Legs 5

Body 16 and 6
Flippers 67 &49
Head 8
Muzzle 14
Tusks 58

Body 16
Head 27
Muzzle 6 - with slit down the middle for nose
Legs 31 & 44
Paws 22
Tail 68
Eye shadows 34
Outer ears 3 & 25
Inner ears 4 & 26
Tummy 50
Nose 2

Body 16
Head 7
Mouth 51
Nose 52
Legs 37 (cut in half)
Paws 22
Ears 2

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