Monday 27 February 2017


I adore the new range of ant stamps by Tattered Lace. The characters are great and the stamps are very detailed which makes them easy to colour. The sentiments that go with them are humerous and go well with the stamps. They could be used for a variety of situations. I like quirky designs and they really appeal to me. I had two characters to work with- Ant-ique and Ant-ibiotic.
This character Ant-ibiotic  is dressed like a doctor and has a doctor`a bag

This is my favourite character - Ant-ique.  I can think of many occasions to use it.

I have combined the two characters in this shutter card.
I used pixie powders to make the background for the ant. They are so fun to use.

I love decorating bags I decided to put the ant in his own environment.

...and then to a completely new environment. The antique ant had to visit the Ant-ique shop!! I used the Tattered Lace retail therapy shop.

The doctor is useful for get well cards

I made this container for a gift card. I also made a tag but forgot to take a photograph!  I am sure I will be making more cards with these fun, quirky stamps.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Tiny tubs part 4

Here are a few more Tiny Tubs Creatures cut from the amazing Tattered Lace dies. I have now made over 50 characters that were not in the ideas book that comes with the dies.  It is therefore possible to make at least 75 different animals from the set! I have listed the die numbers I have used for each animal.
Body 16
Head 40
Tummy 15
Arms 58
Snout 12 (trimmed)
Nose 17
Paws 22

Body 16
Ruff 57
Head 40 & 41
Tail 53
Beak 21 (trimmed)
Wings 53 & 55
Feet 5
Ruffle on foot 22

Body 16
Head 40 & 41
Beak 9
Foot 5

Body 27
Tail 32
End of tail 12
Head 8
Snout 34
Horns 21
Mane 55 & 12
Legs 11
Hooves 22

Body 27
Legs 11
Paws 22
Face 47
Nose 2
Bristles 53 & 55 (layered)
ears 17

Saturday 11 February 2017

Tiny tubs part 3

I have made 18 more tiny tubs animals. However, one managed to escape the camera so I am uploading 17 designs. The warthog will have to wait for another day. The Tiny Tubs dies by Tattered Lace are very versatile and can be used to create a wide range of animals. I keep thinking of more animals I can try.
Head 40
Thorax 41
Abdomen 38
Antennae 11
Legs 11
Head 41
Muzzle 15 and 41
Nostrils 17
Ears 17
Body 8
Tummy 9
Legs 11
Hooves 22
Tail 31

Body 16
Tummy 15
Head 8
Eyes 17

Body 16
Ruff 15 & 28
Head 8
Nose 2 & 2
Ears 13
Horn 21
Legs 11
Hooves 22

Body 16
Head 8
Outer ears 3 & 25
Inner ears 4 & 26
Eye shadows 4 & 26
Snout 34
Nose 2
Legs - sections of 38
Tail 46
Paws 22

Body 16
Tummy 9
Head 8
Face 41 & 24
Ears 24
Feet 20
Arms 31 & 44
Paws 22

Body 16
Tail 65
Head 7
Tummy 15
Muzzle 6
Eye Shadows 51 & 52
Ears 10
Nose 2
Paws 22
Feet 22

Body 16
Tail 46
Tummy 15
Head 8 (cut 2)
Eyes 34
Snout 34
Feet 29

Body 38
Neck 43
Head 40 & 41
Nose 2
Ears 3 & 25
Tail 32
Paws 22
Back legs 11

Body 16
Head 8 
Muzzle 41
Eye Shadows 42
Antlers 62 & 64
Nose 2
Tail 31
Legs 11
Ears 2
Body 16
Feet 30
Face 27 & 40
Ears 17
Nostrils 17
Feet 30
Tummy 9

Body 16
Tummy 9
Head 7
Muzzle 51
Nose 13
Eye backs 24
Ears 3 & 25
Legs 31 & 44
Tail 68

Body 16
Ruff 57
Legs 11
Paws 22
Snout - half of 37
Head 8
Nose 17
Ears 28
Back legs 31 & 44
Tail 32
Tail end 42

Body 16
Tummy 15
Head 7
Head markings 3 & 44
Ears 17
Nose 2
Feet 20

Head 40
Snout 43
Ears 17
Body 16
Tail 31
White markings 28
Back legs 31
Front legs 44

Body 16
Ruff 46
Paws 20
Tail 53
Head 8
Snout 34
Nose 2
Outer ears 13
Inner ears 2

Body 16
Tail 63
Head 40
White patch on head 41
Beak 65
Feet 5
Head feathers 17
Eye shadows 24