Tuesday 21 February 2017

Tiny tubs part 4

Here are a few more Tiny Tubs Creatures cut from the amazing Tattered Lace dies. I have now made over 50 characters that were not in the ideas book that comes with the dies.  It is therefore possible to make at least 75 different animals from the set! I have listed the die numbers I have used for each animal.
Body 16
Head 40
Tummy 15
Arms 58
Snout 12 (trimmed)
Nose 17
Paws 22

Body 16
Ruff 57
Head 40 & 41
Tail 53
Beak 21 (trimmed)
Wings 53 & 55
Feet 5
Ruffle on foot 22

Body 16
Head 40 & 41
Beak 9
Foot 5

Body 27
Tail 32
End of tail 12
Head 8
Snout 34
Horns 21
Mane 55 & 12
Legs 11
Hooves 22

Body 27
Legs 11
Paws 22
Face 47
Nose 2
Bristles 53 & 55 (layered)
ears 17

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